Extra Ordinary (2019) Movie Review (LINK) This Extra Ordinary (2019) Review Fashioned a Floatation Device Out Of Your Pants

Noel Penaflor
2 min readJun 8, 2020

This Movie Review is the Brain Child of so many different personalities!!!

Since you’ve spent so much time over the past couple of months watching movies in the theater and then going to public restaurants publicly, you might want to slow it down just for a little bit. You’ve got the entire summer to go outside and play.

Might as well spend some time indoors for a chance. Maybe watch a movie on your own television instead of driving over to your local theater and seeing it on a 40-foot screen. A little change will do you good.

I hope you had a wonderful time with other members of the community.

Sorry to hear that. I’m doubly sorry to hear that because, being dead, Mr. Greengrass can’t read this Extra Ordinary review. He loved to read my reviews.

Just because Mr. Greengrass is dead doesn’t mean you can’t read this review. If this feels like something you might want to see, maybe you can watch it at home before you go out again. You can only see the newest Marvel movie in theaters so many times.

Click On The Link Below for something Extra Extraordinary!

Originally published at https://hubpages.com.



Noel Penaflor

I’ve Been A Movie Fan Since Birth and Have been Reviewing Films For The Past 305 Years. That’s A Long Time.