Hardware (1990) Revisited (LINK) This Hardware Review Is Harder Than Software!

Noel Penaflor
Oct 22, 2020

Hey you. I wrote this Review Just for You because I like you.I also like pizza.

The 1990 sci-fi/horror hybrid Hardware was the big screen debut of writer/director Richard Stanley. Why might that name sound familiar even if you’ve never heard of Hardware in your life? Because you might remember the 1996 fiasco The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Think back. I’ll wait.

Yes. That one.

And yes, it’s still as awful as you remember. Marlon Brando in that white sheet with his little midget alongside him. Val Kilmer doing whatever he was doing and just acting like a fool. It was and still remains a trainwreck of a movie, albeit a compellingly watchable one.

Richard Stanley was originally slated to direct Island based on the cult status of Hardware and his other film Dust Devil. He got kicked off the project and was replaced by John Frankenheimer and to this day Island remains one of the worst movies ever made. You can see the details in all its gory glory by watching the amazing documentary Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley Island of Dr. Moreau. It’s the movie that made me want to check out Hardware.

Does Hardware deserve its cult status? Did it ever?

Read on and you’ll find out and I promise there’ll be no mid-90s Val Kilmer involved in any of this and Marlon Brando will not raid your fridge.

Click On The Link Below To Stay Hard…Ware!

Originally published at https://hubpages.com.



Noel Penaflor

I’ve Been A Movie Fan Since Birth and Have been Reviewing Films For The Past 305 Years. That’s A Long Time.