Ocean’s Eight (2018) Movie Review (LINK) T*is revi*w of Erotic Cinema Classic Ocean’s Eight (2018) contains missing letters because some of them were stolen on the way here. Sandra Bullock finds out who stole her sense when she decided to do Speed 2: Cruise Control. Or The Lake House.

Noel Penaflor
2 min readSep 12, 2020


This Movie Review is the Brain Child of so many different personalities!!!

If you don’t watch Ocean’s Eight you are Harvey Weinstein!

Or you just don’t feel like seeing something you’ve seen 3 times previous and thought “Maybe they should have left the franchise alone in the aughties unless they have something new to tell us “.

The baddish news is that the new all-female Ocean’s side/sequel brings nothing new to the table. The gooderish news is that if you’re a fan of the Ocean’s series Ocho is breezy enough that you don’t really care. You could do a lot worse with your two hours, but considering the talent involved and the eleven years since Ocean’s Thirteen, you expect it to be a little less…lazy.

The plot, much like that of Avengers Infinity War, can be diluted to one sentence: Debbie Ocean and Co. steal stuff, but never in a way that you feel anybody is any real danger. In that way it’s also like Infinity War.

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, or if you’ve seen Ocean’s Eleven recently, because Eight cribs so much of Eleven in the first act that you might as well call it Ocean’s The Force Awakens.

Click on The Link Below And Get Swallowed By The Ocean!

Originally published at https://hubpages.com on September 12, 2020.



Noel Penaflor

I’ve Been A Movie Fan Since Birth and Have been Reviewing Films For The Past 305 Years. That’s A Long Time.