We Are Zombies (2023) Movie Review! (LINK) This We Are Zombies (2023) Review Will Reveal Who Among Your Friends Is Mostly Likely To Hide A Zombie Bite! (Shawn).

Noel Penaflor
2 min readSep 1, 2024

My Cat Persephone Wrote this Review on her Smartphone. It was better than Mine. .

As fans of zombie horror comedies know, 2024 is the 20 thanniversary of the Edgar Wright classic Shaun of the Dead. For years, Shaun fans have been wondering when and if another zombie comedy will amble on to the screen and take its place alongside the 2004 zom-com.

The Canadian zombie comedy We Are Zombies is a movie that contains the same elements as Shaun of the Dead except it’s nowhere near as funny, the stakes are nowhere near as high, and you yawn about as much as you laugh by the time the 80 minutes are up. Granted, it’s unfair to compare We Are Zombies to Shaun of the Dead and the film must be reviewed on its own terms, so if you like zombie comedies where the characterization is as dead as your pulse and the laugh-to-silence ration is lopsided, then this Canadian confection is what it’s all about (aboot- requisite Canada joke).

Click on the Slow Walking Link Below!!

Originally published at https://hubpages.com.



Noel Penaflor

I’ve Been A Movie Fan Since Birth and Have been Reviewing Films For The Past 305 Years. That’s A Long Time.