Whatever Happened To The Delivery Driver from Se7en? (LINK)

Noel Penaflor
1 min readJul 28, 2024

What’s in the box?

This article will have spoilers to an almost 30-year old movie so don’t be a little b*tch because if you haven’t watched by now you just don’t want to.

In David Fincher ‘s seminal 1995 thriller, Brad Pitt screams that line over and over until he finally gets his answer. It’s Pitt’s David Mills’ wife Tracy’s lovely little head all nice and neatly packed into a box. You know what happens. Mills shoots John Doe (Kevin Spacey). Morgan Freeman’s William Somerset possibly holds off on his retirement and everyone lives happily ever after except for Tracy because she doesn’t have a head.

Mills gets driven off by the police to wherever they process something like shooting a suspect in the head. We wonder if John Doe just left Tracy’s body in the apartment or if he put the rest of her in the freezer. We don’t know. Maybe it’s not important.

What’s in the LINK BELOW? (read it like Brad Pitt)

Originally published at https://discover.hubpages.com on July 28, 2024.



Noel Penaflor

I’ve Been A Movie Fan Since Birth and Have been Reviewing Films For The Past 305 Years. That’s A Long Time.